
Here you will find my latest work! Like what you see?

Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

Christa + Brian + Christian + Tyler + Ethan – At the Beach on Film

A gorgeous family + the beach at 7am + film = beautiful family photographs of this sweet family of five!  Christa and Brian moved here from LA and wanted to capture their family at the beach on the East Coast and I was happy to oblige.  Christa was cool, calm and collected as they arrived to our 7am session at Seven Presidents Beach which I’m sure is no easy task with 3 small boys to get ready and out of the house – but she makes it look effortless!   Not to mention how beautiful she is and how lucky she is to be loved by these 4 guys:)

I always tell my clients to relax and have fun with your kids, that gives me the best opportunity to capture your love!

  I know we captured some beautiful memories that will be cherished for years to come, enjoy!

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Looking to have lasting memories with your family captured on film?  Send me a note and lets chat about your family photo session!

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com