I thought I better post these before summer is here to stay! Logan enjoyed Easter this year and it was so fun as a parent to see her experience the joy of the holiday. We started off at AB&G for Brunch with the Easter Bunny or “Easter Money” as Logan likes to call him. She wasn’t too sure of him after all of the talking she did about him. I’m surprised she got this close, haha!
Collecting eggs on Easter Morning was too cute for words- not to mention she keeps saying the eggs were wet and they were and dye got all over her hands. I guess the Easter Bunny has to learn some things before next year;)
Dinner with the family at Patrick and Kelli’s house was the best part of the day for all! The kids enjoyed an egg hunt outside, the dogs ran around like lunatics and we had a nice time with family.
The very first photo of the 3 cousins where one of them isn’t crying- hooray!!