
Here you will find my latest work! Like what you see?

Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

Genevieve + Matt – Engaged

I had a fun time exploring the streets of Hoboken with this couple.  Genevieve and Matt met their freshman year at Villanova on the first day of class.  I don’t remember if I was awake for my freshman year 8am classes much less dressed nice enough to gain attention from the opposite sex:)  Matt is originally from Syracuse so we had some basketball rivalry talk going on.  These 2 were so sweet with each other the whole time we were together.  It really shows in the photos.  Gen told me at the end of our session that she was really nervous to have these photos taken but as you can tell it doesn’t show in these images and I really had no idea until she told me.  Gen you are gorgeous and the camera loved you both!  Enjoy the images and congratulations on your wedding next year.  They are going back to their alma mater and getting married in the church at Villanova right where their relationship began:)


Gorgeous Gen- Love this next one:

I heart these shoes!

I couldn’t decide on these next two so I included them both:)

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com