It was a chilly day yesterday, I am so not looking forward to a long winter and cold feet:(
Over the past week I:
- Had lunch with my photographer friend Jenna- always a fun lunch talking shop
- Went to a 3 minute speed networking event at the Garden State Plaza Mall. I met about 25 local business owners and hope to connect with some of them on projects in the future
- Had dinner with Ava, Kimberly and Mike. She’s due with baby #2 in 6 weeks- eeek!! So excited for them and I can’t wait!!
- Set up a booth at the Allendale Festival Day. I met a lot of families in the community and gave away a mini session. Congrats to Carol on your prize!
- Went out to eat at AB&G after a long and crazy week on Saturday night. Neither Chris nor I were up to cooking.
- Cancelled 2 sessions due to rain yesterday
- Wore my slippers for the very first time yesterday.
- Made the first meatloaf of fall- yum! Having the oven on also helps to keep the chill off in the house.
- Used our wedding china for the first time in a long time. Meatloaf deserves china, right? ha! I may as well use it, no fun just having it sit in the buffet.
- Edited lots and lots of images, it’s that time of the year. 🙂