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Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

Meridith Monday’s Vol. 38

It’s been a crazy busy, hectic, get no sleep kind of 3 weeks.  Chris’ uncle passed away, Kelli gave birth, my car almost over heated on the parkway and my mom went into the hospital all within 3 days of each other.  Talk about lots going on but add on top of that the fact that I have been doing some freelance work at Martha Stewart in NYC and I really have had no time to blog.

I haven’t done many fun or exciting thingsover the past 3 weeks but I have a few things to share:

  • After 10 days in the hospital my mom was finally released to a rehab center this past Tuesday evening.  She had some problems with her liver from her medications.  They are stopping Chemo for now and letting her get her strength back and will figure out what to do next.
  • I photographed my first and most favorite nephew!!  He’s too cute for words:)
  • Freelanced at Martha Stewart Home designing kitchen textiles for her JCP and Macy’s home lines.  It’s very fun and very different from my fashion graphic design background.  I kinda like it:)
  • Read 3 Nora Roberts books on the train.  I get sucked into her books by paragraph 2.  I was actually surprised that I found 3 of her books that I haven’t read because it feels like I have read them all.
  • Delivered an anniversary album for this super sweet couple!
  • Photographed a wedding that had a little bit of snow and a subtle St. Patrick’s Day theme.
  • Had some friends over for dinner and cooked a roast beef , this yummy butternut squash risotto and a kale salad.  I wish I had time to cook like that every night!
  • Told Chris that I would totally consider moving to California to get away from this snow.  No really I want to move there, if only it wasn’t so far from family.
  • Watched Argo and really liked it.  I love historical fiction and I learned something about a time that I knew nothing about.  I can see why it was nominated for so many awards and won.  Highly recommend it!

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com