
Here you will find my latest work! Like what you see?

Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

No Power

I have once again been stuck without the internet!  We lost power with the bad storm last Saturday- it was a mess.  I was all set to paint the living room as I said in my previous post.  My mother in law even drove up to help out- we finally got 1 coat on the walls when the lights started to flicker.  Not a big deal I thought, the power won’t go out.  We heard a loud noise and the whole sky lit up.  Think again- we lost power for 4 days!  Not so fun.  Most of our stuff is in the basement because we just had the floors re-done and were waiting to unpack until I got some of the painting finished.  The sump pump, which was working on over drive with all the rain, does not work if there is no electricity.  We were up Saturday night bailing out our sump pump and moving stuff up and out of the basement until 3:30 am when our neighbors, who are on a different circuit, got power back.  We ran an extension cord over to their place to run the pump- our stuff was saved!  We almost quit- we were so tired and exhausted from hauling buckets of water up out of the basement.  People this was not fun.  The next day, still no power.  We went for a walk up the street and saw this:


And then this:


Ummm, this doesn’t look good.  So Monday came and went, then Tuesday then Wednesday and we finally got power back!  Yay!  Then no cable or internet for 2 more days.  Such a crazy storm.  Hopefully all of you made it through OK.  Now a back-up battery for the sump is on the ever growing Home Depot list.  I promise this week to post pics of the new house.  I even painted some more today and just have the baseboard trim left to go in the living room!  Next weekend that will get finished and we can start unpacking!  Lots of house stuff to report and a maternity session to post so stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com